Monday 6 May 2013

#84 Braveheart


Director and Star Mel Gibson
So Im sure almost everyone on the planet has seen this movie, so that means this Blog will be pretty easy to write, and pretty short. A little note to add though, as an Englishman I think we are portrayed in a bad light, I mean its not like Scotland are still trying to get Independence from us is it? In all fairness though, the English were a pretty ruthless lot back back. For a tiny little country we managed to, at one point in time or another, rule half of the world, now though we have given most of it back (because we are nice like that) and unfortunately we now have to help out America to win their wars for them, anyway I digress....

The story...

William Wallace is a wee Scottish boy at the start of this movie, He experiences his dad and other close family and friends be killed at the hands of the English, trying to fight for the freedom of Scotland. When he is older he secretly marries a girl, who is then killed for not letting an English guard rape her, this (as it would be for any man) was the last straw. William Wallace starts to build an army, firstly seeking revenge on anyone who has done him or his close friends harm. As word spreads about this army, he gets more and more recruits, eventually he has enough to start to take down the English, firstly starting with the outposts in Scotland and then moving through to York in England. Unfortunately Wallace is betrayed by a Scott who is offered land to give Wallace up.

I have seen this movie before maybe 10 years ago now, and I remembered it with fond memories, a great movie with a real passion behind it, telling a story that was essentially true, of how the Scottish wanted to rule their own land. Unfortunately watching it again slightly tainted it. I sure didn't remember how long it was, 3 hours it is, and I didn't quite remember the comedy deaths (and there are plenty) while in battle, But the parts that mattered, the emotion, the meaning behind it was still as brilliant as it was the first time I saw it. 

The Scores

7/10 - Great battle scenes, some gore and good costumes.

7/10 - This makes the movie what it is, big classical scores tell you what emotions you should be feeling.

7/10 - Good, by everyone, good.

8/10 - Bit crazy how the Scotts wanted to bite the hand that fed them ;)


8/10 - Good ending, emotional!

Final Score


If you haven't seen it, where have you been? Get it watched.....

Total Movie Minutes So Far ~ 2093 (That's almost 35 hours by the way)

Next up is Chinatown (1974)

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Thanks, Luke.

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