Monday 29 April 2013

#86 Monty Python And The Holy Grail


John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin

This movie is only the second movie so far from the list I have seen before, and what a classic it is. If you like mental humor, total randomness and not really knowing whats going on, this is for you. Im not a 100% sure people outside of the UK will fully get the humor, but it is written by the same zany bunch who wrote A Fish Called Wanda and  The Life Of Brian.

Straight from the first minute you know what kind of movie you are in for, as the credits roll they start off correct, and as they progress they start to get a bit silly, until they are stopped and a message says they have sacked the person who has done this. The movie begins with the sound of a man riding a horse through a field, what we actually get is King Arthur prancing around like a horse, while his servant claps to coconut shells together to make him sound like a horse.

To go in to the story of this movie will take me forever, as there are about 10 different stories all culminating towards the same end goal, to find the holy grail. So instead I thought id just point out a few of my favorite parts and the more mental aspects of the movie. As I said before, for some reason the knights of the round table are all walking around like horses rather than riding them, on their quest for the grail the encounter many challenges. One of the challenges they come across is the dark knight who is protecting a bridge, he tells king Arthur he will kill him rather than let him across the bridge. A sword fight ensues and king Arthur cuts off the mans right arm, to which the the conversation goes:

Arthur: Ha I win
Knight: Tis just a scratch
Arthur: Your arm is off
Knight: no it isnt
Arthur: yes it is.. look..

They then continue to fight until he cuts the knights other arm off, to which the Knight says "its nothing but a flesh wound". The Knight then decided he can try and win by headbutting Arthur, this is until the knight gets cut in half. Other things that are awesome and strange at the same time include a killer bunny rabbit, some knights who need a shrubbery to allow you past, a 3 headed knight and a village that is desperate to burn a woman they suspect is a witch, and use the logic that if she weighs the same as a duck shes a witch.

Another classic scene is when Arthur comes across some peasants working in a field, only for the peasant to have a conversation  with Arthur about the economic structure and democracy. Its that kind of randomness that makes this film what it is, some of the stuff is just so daft you have to just laugh at it. It is really nice to see a 35 year old English comedy still up there with the cinema greats.I do recon this is a movie that you either love or hate, there is no middle ground, you either get the humor, or you just think its stupid which probably makes you stupid, but who am I to judge :)

The ending is the most random part of all, I want you to watch it if you haven't already, so ill leave that bit a mystery.

The Scores

6/10 - Difficult one this, because its not trying to be serious, so the sets etc.. are not fully how you thought they would be.

5/10 - Not a great deal of sounds, some funny songs throughout 

7/10 - again the acting is hard to judge, because its a movie about a book of a movie and the craziness of it all means they act it really well, but really poorly at the same time.

5/10 - Plot is simple, all the different stories all come together in the end.


7/10 - Ending gets a decent score as its just crazy, if you were sat in the cinema, you would be saying "huh, has it ended? Like that? really?"

Final Score


Brilliant comedy by some brilliant English comedy minds.

Total Movie Minutes So Far ~ 1796

Next up is Oldboy (2003)

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Thanks, Luke.

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