Friday 12 April 2013

#97 Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Poster

Steven Spielberg Picture
Director: Steven Spielberg 

Harrison Ford Picture
             Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford)       

I'm pretty sure I don't have to go in to to much detail about this one, most people have seen this film, or one of the other 5, so you already get the picture. Basically, you have the star of the film Indiana Jones (great surname by the way) on the hunt for some ancient artifact, this generally gets him in trouble with some bad guys who so happen to be looking for the same thing at the same time. 

Indi and his dad
This really is just a Sunday afternoon, sitting around chilling out kind of movie. One where you don't have to really think about much, and just enjoy the action and mild humor running through the whole thing. The balance is just right, its not slap stick humor, nor is it trying to take its self serious.

So in this edition of Indiana, he pits himself against the Nazi's in a race to find the holy grail. Indiana is first seen in the movie as a teenager, showing at an early age he had a passion for adventure and a respect for ancient artifacts.While out with the boy scouts he stumbles upon some 'bandits' sealing a gold cross from a cave in the desert.One of the bandits only line in the movie is "whoo" many times over which was very irritating. He must have been so pleased when they told him he had a speaking part in this blockbuster, only for him to read the script and then adopt a sad face for a while. Anyway back to the story.....  Indi steals this off the guys and so proceeds a comedy chase, mainly over a train with many close encounters with dangerous animals.

Skip ahead a few years and we are in 1938, Indi has been enlisted to search for the holy grail after he is told his father (Sean Connery) has been kidnapped by the Nazi's. The adventure starts in Venice where he meets a Austrian Doctor who helps them find a secret passage under a library floor, and may I add, earlier on in the movie Indiana definitely  states, "X never marks the spot", worst teacher ever....

A long story short, he catches up with his dad, rescues him from the Nazi's and they go in search of the grail together, tangling many times with the enemy.

Holy Grail
Now as I said this is not a film to take serious, its the kind of film where, a whip can be used as a weapon or a mode of transport, or where no one in the entire film can shoot another person with a gun, plane or tank. Where a plane can crash through a tunnel, lose its wings, over take the car it was chasing then once out the other side and blow up. Where there is a secret passage in most rooms and fire places can revolve in to a Nazi command rooms. Where an american man can punch a Nazi uniformed officer, throw him out of a blimp window, then talk in English and non of the German passengers bat an eyelid.

My Favorite quote from the movie:

"I said no camels, that's 5 camels, can you not count?"

I  really enjoy watching the Indiana franchise, apart from number 5, that wasn't so good. So the scores are as follows:

6/10 - I watched this in Blueray, and can I say, hats off to whoever remastered that! Unbelievable difference from the original, it could be confused with being made only a couple of years ago. But I am basing my score on the original.

Not much in this area really, other than the infamous Indiana tune which is why it scores 5.

Never going to blow you away in the acting department. Some good humor and comedy fights though.

Basic and easy to follow

Good ending to this one. I especially liked the part where the guy selects the wrong grail and ages rapidly. Good special effects for a movie 30 years old.

Final Score: 30/50 

Total Movie Minutes So Far - 542!

Next up is Unforgiven (1992)

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