Saturday 13 April 2013

#96 Unforgiven

Unforgiven (1992)

Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood (Star and Director)
Jamis Woolvett , Morgan Freedman and Clint Eastwood
This 4 time Oscar winning movie was a new title to me, as im ashamed to admit I had never heard of it. Now this 100 movie challenge was step up so I could find little movie gems of the past that I should have watched, but never did. You will have to forgive me somewhat, as I am not the most knowledgeable person on western's, so I may review this, then watch another and realise what a mistake I have made.

This one starts with a nice picturesque sunset with Will Munny's (Clint Eastwood) house in the foreground. Scrolling text explains that Munny was a vicious killer back in his prime, but his wife managed to tame the beast and made him change his ways. Munny now lives with his two children on a remote piece of land raising a flock/pack/hurd? of pigs. His wife has been dead for 3 years and Munny has managed to stay off the booze and raise his kids.

Along comes 'The Schofield kid' who tries to recruit Munny to join him in collecting on a bounty of two guy's that knifed the prostitute. Munny declines and the guy set off in the direction of the bounty. After a good 2 minutes of thought Munny decides he will go on the mission and use the money for his kids future. Munny wins the parent of the year award after he sets off and leaves his two kids both around 10 years old on their own.

On his way to catch up with Schofield he stops at his old partners house, Ned Logan (Freedman). Ned joins Munny in his mission and they set off to meet Schofield. 
Little Bill (right top, English guy (left, jacket open)

Meanwhile, we see the township of Big Whiskey, with the sheriff Little Bill Daggett. Little Bill is a mean guy, he polices his township with an iron fist. We see him beat an English man for having a gun. Little Bill humiliates this guy by kicking him almost in to a coma in front of everyone. He has a little catchphrase "didn't you see the sign" referring to a small sign just outside of the town advising visitors to surrender their weapons on arrival. 

When Munny and his two assassin friends arrive in Big Whiskey, Munny goes in to a bar, the other two go to the whore house to "play billairds" (code of having a go on a prostitute) . While in the bar Munny encounters the sheriff. After a stand off Little Bill also beats him for having a pistol in his possession  While this is going on the other two are learning about who they are going to kill, once finished they escape out of a window before the sheriff arrives. They collect their horses and and scoop up a almost dead Munny. After 3 days of recovery they are ready to kill the two men they are after.

After they kill the first one Ned decided he cant do this anymore and sets off home, Munny and Schofield continue to go after the second one. Once he is dead the meet the hooker to collect their bounty. Then the story twists, it turns out the sheriff has captured Ned and tortured him with a whip until he died. After Munny finds out about the fate of his dearest friend, he returns to Little Whiskey to get revenge on Sherrif Little Bill.

As I said at the start of the blog, I have not seen many westerns, but if they are all like this I have a hunger for many more. Ive seen a couple of other recent Eastwood movies and they are all fantastic. He has a great way of getting the view gripped with little dialog. All of the main characters play their roles perfectly, From the mean SOB of the Sheriff to the Timid "wana be hard man" Schofield. With little in the area of special effects the story if thoroughly enjoyable.

The only thing that I personally felt let down by was a bar shoot out, Munny is against 5 other men, he somehow manages to shoot all 5 of the others, and not one of them gets a single shot at Munny, I understand that if the main character gets shot there isn't much of a movie but its just completely unrealistic in a movie that is so gritty and true to life.


Nice olden days landscape of the mid American country side.

Sometimes didn't have a clue what was being said, sound effects were too loud, vocals were too quiet.

Brilliantly acted.

A Basic plot. Took a good twist at the end.

Good ending, made you feel justice had been served.

Final Score 31/50 

Total Movie Minutes So Far - 673

Next Up The Sting (1973)

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