Sunday 21 April 2013

#91 Amadeus

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Lead: F Murray Abraham (Scarface)

Director: Milos Forman (One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest)

 Amadeus, the penultimate movie of the 90's, a 3 hour long Directors Cut was in store for me and my guest Jessica Noble. As I mentioned in the last blog, there is a group of about 8 movies which I have not been looking forward to, this one did not let me down. It was watchable, but just far too long. 3 hours, I mean come one, I could have told this story in 1.5 hours and made it much more enjoyable.

The story line is told from the prospective of Antonio Salieri. Salieri is now in a mental hospital, and he is explaining to a priest what happened, and if the story's are true, and he did indeed kill Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The whole this is constant flash backs of important moments in the life of Salieri and Mozart, unbeknownst to Mozart, Salieri is his rival, his enemy and he will do anything to defeat Mozart.

Mozart is a childish immature 26 year old, but also utterly brilliant in composing music, on the other hand Salieri is a much more mature man, a god worshiper who wants nothing more than god to choose him to be the best composer rather than Mozart.

As the story progresses we see many attempts by Salieri to derail Mozart who has now been commissioned to write an opera in an nontraditional German language rather than Italian.

The movie is set in 1823, and unlike some (more annoying  period movies, the script was written in modern English, so no irritating random backward speak we see in some movies. The sets and costumes were pretty impressive. Im not sure why back then, the bigger the wig the better, but we saw some brilliant barnets.

Like i said at the beginning, this movie was too long, and that made it for me, tedious and not that enjoyable. Im starting to wonder if IMDB is having a laugh at my expense with this part of the list, by no means was this movie one to remember, and so here are the scores.....

7/10 Great sets and great costumes, some good looking ladies in it too!

7/10 As you can expect, this is a movie about Mozart, so the music is all classical but stunning, probably the best part of the movie.

7/10 - well acted, everyone seemed convincing, just if it was shorter...

5/10 - good plot but marked down for the length of time it took to play out.

4/10 - if you watch this, you will see why I gave it this score.

Final Score


30 is a decent score for this one. Boosted by its acting and music but let down by its plot and ending.

Guest scores by Jess

Total Movie Minutes So Far - 1329 

Up next should be Bicycle Thieves, but unfortunately I cant find anywhere to get it quickly, so ill have to come back to that one, So the next movie is Matropolis (1927) German made SILENT movie, FFS.

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Thanks, Luke.

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