Thursday 18 April 2013

#94 All About Eve


Director Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Betty Davis

Marilyn Monroe

From second 1 to second 8293 of this movie I wanted to chuck the tv out of the window, its fair to say I detested this movie, in fact I hated it that much I have no idea why it was ever voted in the top 100, so much so, I decided to do some research to see what people loved about it. Looking at a few professional critics reviews, they rave about the acting from most of the cast in this movie. Now I must admit, the characters were played with real class for a movie of this age, but to me, it was a "stuck up snob" of a movie. Its the kind of film where my wife would have either been engrossed in her kindle, fast asleep or pulled the old "french exit" and escaped to freedom.

The basic story is of an aging actress Margo (Betty Davis) starting to lose her charm and glamour to a young fan, turned under study Eve (Anne Baxtor). The movie starts with an overly posh man explaining each character while they are sat at an award show. Eve wins the award and most of the room is clapping apart from Margo, who has a bitter look on her face. Rewind 9 months and we start on the journey of the young Eve in her attempt to reach the top of the stardom tree, leaving a displeased Margo in her wake.

Now anyone who is reading this can try and explain the best parts of this movie, but it just comes across as so elitist, dribble written and performed by the high society of the Hollywood scene of the 40's and 50's. Granted the acting is good but it just bored me to tears. The only upshot I saw was a cameo role from Marilyn Monroe.

Now time for the scores, im going to be harsh here, maybe you will think overly harsh, but I just couldn't get in to this at all. Other movies from a similar decade such as "The Apartment" were far far more superior and enjoyable than this, so here goes....


3/10 - Some nice costumes, and Monroe

2/10 - Pretty boring classical scores, as most movies have of this age

6/10 - made the 2 hours and 13 minutes feel slightly less than 3 weeks.

3/10 - boring

3/10 we had seen the end at the beginning, best part about it was that it finally turned up.

Final Score


Total Movie Minutes So Far - 940!

Now thats finished the next movie is #93 2001:A Space Odyssey ive got high hopes for this one, but looking at the list, the next 8 films after that will be a real test. Wish me luck!

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